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Healing Rooms - Horsham Downs



Horsham Downs

Healing Rooms is a loving, safe, confidential environment where you can come to receive prayer for physical and emotional healing. There is no charge and no appointment necessary.

Healing Rooms - Horsham Downs
Healing Rooms - Horsham Downs


尚有 17 個日期

2025年4月22日 19:30 – 21:00

Horsham Downs, 10 Martin Lane, Horsham Downs 3281, New Zealand


电话: +64 7 829 4998
电子邮件: 办公室@thevilla新西兰教会网 

教会办公室的开放时间为 周一至周四上午 9 点至下午 4 点

霍舍姆唐斯马丁巷 10 号

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