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Hero Jesus and grow into Him. Foster relationships and encourage each other.

Mens Breakfasts


Once a term we gather together on a Saturday morning to receive teaching, have a feed and connect with each other outside of a Sunday morning setting.


Generally, we will invite a guest speaker from outside of The Village church and the topics will vary depending on the speaker.



Every 1 to 2 years we hold a significant event offsite for all men. This is a great space to develop relationships across different groups and generations! A mix of teaching from guest speakers, activities, BBQs and a whole lot of fun.

Topical Sessions


Once or twice a year we hold a night where we provide specific teaching, encouragement and direction on topical men’s issues. E.g marriage, fatherhood and more.

Social Gatherings


Usually 2 or 3 times a year we will connect together in an informal setting where we can develop relationships socially, fellowship and have fun! Fishing/Hunting, Fishing Trips, Ten Pin Bowling etc.


Contact Grady on 027 289 3173 for any queries.

Contact us
Phone: +64 7 829 4998

The church office is open from 9am-4pm Monday through Thursday

10 Martin Lane, Horsham Downs

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