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Donations can be made when registering or direct to our church account (02 0410 0076585 00) with the reference 'A21'. All donations received will go to A21.

A21 is a global organisation that has radical hope that the cycle of human trafficking can be broken. We have decided to partner with A21 in support of raising awareness of the extent of this issue and stand in agreement that we are against such treatment of humans.

Human trafficking is the exploitation of vulnerable people for their bodies and labour. There are more people enslaved today than any other time in history with an estimated 49.6 million people enslaved right now. These affects men, women and children and takes many forms, whether its forced labour, forced marriage, forces sexual acts, child soldiers or domestic bondage. None of these people are being treated as they deserve and are forced into horrific circumstances against their will. We can have a voice for those who have no voice.


Join us to walk and raise funds in support of the work A21 do across the globe to help the vulnerable.



When: Saturday 19th October 2024

Time: 9am till 12pm (Walk will start at 9.30am)

Where: Hamilton Gardens. Parking will be available at Gate 2

What to wear: We encourage you to wear black to promote unity and support the event​. A21 t-shirts are available to purchase through registrations.

What to bring: Bring your own water, picnic & blanket/chair to enjoy some time together after the walk on the Rhododendron Lawn.


The walk will be just under 2kms and is suitable for the whole family!


NB: Our picnic will be subject to weather conditions, but the walk will go ahead regardless.

A21 Walk Map.jpg

Contact us
Phone: +64 7 829 4998

The church office is open from 9am-4pm Monday through Thursday

10 Martin Lane, Horsham Downs

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